Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My first post of substance: a recent poem!


When you throw yourself down these hills,
you slide hard and roll, legs pounding

soft soil at the edge of control.
Grass stains and pain are rewards for passion,

gravity the catalyst for breathless bounding.
When funnel clouds come off hill ridges

they carve notches through forest crowns,
dance mid-air, find careful footing

before touching down again. Such studious
meandering pays off in ripened valleys

where the ground is good for churning.
Spinning buildings, billboards, solitary

swing sets—every object from boulders
to bodies wants that sweet speed

around and downward. Are you not
like them? You with your taste for danger,

your perilous charm, smart and sacred
logic—you crave to churn the world, too,

cascade down slopes toward gorges,
twist tornadoes through complacent

self-serious places to land on something
genuine. Reach down from heavy-bellied

thunderclouds to rearrange our lives
with frantic, arbitrary art—breathe

beautiful chaos into my heart, careless


  1. This is great, Mike! Glad to see you're still writing! Is is about a tornado? Cindy

  2. Ha, looks like the comment-posting feature is working now! Thanks again for the post, Cindy. I'll probably share some more poems of the past six months on my blog. I also have plans for a pretty interesting narrative poem based on a dream from a few weeks ago; just gotta sit down and hammer it out!

  3. Love it. I'm Sharyla's cousin's wife, and a poet as well. I'll be interested to read more. Your poem has an effortless style and intriguing structure.
